Sophy Geneva
is a modern luxury online jewelry & watches store

Choose the best fine jewelry that suits your taste and lifestyle at competitive prices with high quality.
Rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets and watches are often either made, designed or assembled in Switzerland.

Sophy Geneva

Christmas Perfect Gifts

Online and Virtual shop from your comfort zone

Our Jewelry Is Designed To Inspire! Browse Our Collections to  Find Your Inspiration for the perfect Christmas gift, our Jewelry is Designed To Have A Style That Shines And Beauty That Lasts.



Discover our Earrings, Necklaces, Pendants, Rings and Kids Collections

Uhani (444)

Otroški dragulji (199)

Ogrlice (894)

Obeski (502)

Prstani (135)

Only for you to shine your days forever

Swiss-Made Jewelry

Three easy steps are the journey we offer you to take with us, to create custom made Jewellery, Are you looking for unique jewellery? We are specialized in creating custom made pieces and can even use your ‘old’ gold in a brand new design, also an old Gemstone that you would like to redesign and modernization.

We celebrate with you


DISCOUNT OF 20% for the Zaroka Prstani

Find a suitable engagement ring. An engagement ring symbolizes eternal love. It must therefore be perfect to make the proposal even more beautiful, we have Sustainable engagement rings handcrafted with Natural diamonds.

Švicarski nakit in ure


Razmišljajte kot modna kraljica!

Nakit ima moč, da je tista malenkost, zaradi katere se počutite edinstveno."

Elizabeth Taylor

Sophy Geneva samo ponudbe 100% naravni diamanti. To pomeni brez obdelanih, umetnih ali čistih diamantov. s politiko ničelne tolerance do konfliktnih diamantov. Vse naše kolekcije nakita so prek najbolj cenjenih proizvajalcev diamantov v Švici, ki na tem področju delajo že od šestdesetih let.

Le pravi diamant ne bo nikoli izgubil vrednosti.

Družbena odgovornost naših dobaviteljev

Certificirani član
Odgovorni svet za nakit

Član švicarskega združenja
trgovcev z dragimi kamni (ASNP-VSE)

Etični kodeks Švicarjev
Industrija ur in nakita

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CH, LI in države EU

Svetovanje in svetovanje

Zmedeno! Tukaj smo, da pomagamo

Varno spletno plačilo

Stripe, PayPal in bančno nakazilo

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Priporočena pošta preko švicarske pošte

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